domingo, 14 de outubro de 2007
sábado, 13 de outubro de 2007
A Man to look up to...
The latest news reaveal that the Piece Nobel Prize winner was Al Gore. This was great news for the former United States of America President who accepted delightly this award. In my opinion I think he was the best person who could win this prize considering all the work and research this great man has done on behalf of our sick Planet. Al gore fought for the rightful planet's and environment's rights and he tried to open our eyes and made an impact when he said that if we continue to pollute and consume the planet's resources carelessly we won't call it home on the nezt 50 years because in 50 years with the green house effect, the seas level rising and the destruction of forests this green planet will no longer exist. This pessimist though realistic work can be seen on the documentary that AL Gore developed which is called " An inconvinient Truth" where Al Gore explains the importance of a quick action concerning the environment.
quarta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2007
Well to start off I would just like to talk a bit about myself. My name is Eduardo Lopes I live in Porto and I´m from Portugal. I'm studying in Ismai and this blog is intended to show my points of view about the era that we live in more precisely the era of destruction. Though creating is more powerful and harder man seeks to destroy everything by abusing nature and its components. Destroying is easy killing animals is easy for instance but breeding animals, give them a home and provide them with a proper future is tough. A phrase that I heard somewhere said " You cannot kill what you did not create" and I tottaly agree with this statement I mean Nature created itself that's why we call it mother nature and its beautiful that we preserve it but destroying it in my point of view is a sin. I believe that's why natural catastrophes happen Its her way of saying Stop the pollution stop the destruction and stop ruinning the future of your kids. Nature is one thing we simply can't control and I hope for the sake of us all that we won't ever control it but fear that man's ambition will win mother nature and if this control is used for the wrong purposes well than I guess its goodbye for all of us.
I'm a huge fan of Lord of the Rings and one thing that this trilogy has thaught me is that man's ambition has no limits and what men desire the most is power. But we should be careful with what we wish for because everyone one of us has a dark side and a "devil inside".
That's it for today. Hope you like it. Bye
I'm a huge fan of Lord of the Rings and one thing that this trilogy has thaught me is that man's ambition has no limits and what men desire the most is power. But we should be careful with what we wish for because everyone one of us has a dark side and a "devil inside".
That's it for today. Hope you like it. Bye
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