A petrol ship crashed against another boat causing the releasement of 15 thousand tons of oil. This Ship colison may surely mean the end of inumerous lifes in the Natural Sea living creatures such as tropical fish and seagulls which died or will die in a near Future. When I first heard about his news I got relly upset I might even Say Mad because history has a tendency of repeating itself and we human beings are so selfish and stubborn that we just think about what's proffitable and cheap. Haven't we learned that oil can't be transportated in such a huge quantity . I mean 15 thousand tons!!!! Came on ! Not to mention the waste of innocent lifes . Of course the most worried people would be the owners of the oil who recklessly think about this disaster as a waste of money period. I sometimes wish that oil shouldn't have been discovered by us humans because its the source of all our troubles. For instance Smoke ... where does it come from? Combusting oil, which causes global warming. Secondly, why did America invaded Iraq? So that they could get a hand to the oil! I start to think we would be better off if we still lived in the Discovery Ages because we should have been careful back than. At least back than nations fought with honour not with missiles and tanks. I´m to be writting so angrily but this is just the way I feel. Shame on us humans for thinking we are superior beeings. And yet a late news revealed that apes in some aspects such as cognitive memory are better than us . Well its about time these cientists give them a chance. Perhaps the planet of the apes wasn´t such a bad idea at all. Cause speaking only leads you to trouble and that's something that animals won´t find out.
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