segunda-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2007



A 2008 FULL OF JOY...

quarta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2007

Where does Santa Claus come from

I heard somewhere that Santa Claus as we know him was invented by Coca-cola.
It was a trade mark for business. All Red and chumpy with all the white beard and the red coat. He used to be green I think and he came from the North Pole.

About Christmas...

This is a very special time of year . We drink we dance we talk basically we do what evrey family does when their together. But we mustn't forget the millions of people who work at this illustrous day. Inumerous people work in coffe shops and try to make a living... Others collect the garbage, others work in shopping centres, anyway there are a lot of people who work in this very same day. For them my big thank you and Happy holiday( in case they'll have one).

Secondly I would just like to talk about how animals react to this day. As I can obsorve and notice dogs in particular are big fans of Santa and his presents. Nowadays even pets get their own sample of Christmas wrapped in red and green paper which they love to destroy, sometimes even eat. But what do pets get for Christmas really?

As I could see they get mostly toys and snacks. Even though these don't last more than three days, by the way they can recgonize that whatever they have received was special thus recognizing as well the person who offered the present.

Myself, I have a dog which was given a big meal in the 25th. It was very pleased and happy full of joy really. I thank God for this day. I only wish that this Christmas spirit lasted longer.

Well time to say goodbye! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New YEAR!!!! 2008!!!

quinta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2007

Animals Intelligence

Some say animals are uncouncious and unaware of their own existence, they just live naturally according to their instinticts. Others say that they are capable of learning, in fact some studies reveal that apes are better prepared socially than human beeings. Moreover a scientist tried to teach aritmehtics to a group of apes, and one of them actually got the hang of it. Needless to say that the others followed them and also learnt.
Its incredible the mind of such beeings. It also known that horses are smarter than dogs and that dolphins are extremely intelligent.

Disasterous Disaster!!!!!!

A petrol ship crashed against another boat causing the releasement of 15 thousand tons of oil. This Ship colison may surely mean the end of inumerous lifes in the Natural Sea living creatures such as tropical fish and seagulls which died or will die in a near Future. When I first heard about his news I got relly upset I might even Say Mad because history has a tendency of repeating itself and we human beings are so selfish and stubborn that we just think about what's proffitable and cheap. Haven't we learned that oil can't be transportated in such a huge quantity . I mean 15 thousand tons!!!! Came on ! Not to mention the waste of innocent lifes . Of course the most worried people would be the owners of the oil who recklessly think about this disaster as a waste of money period. I sometimes wish that oil shouldn't have been discovered by us humans because its the source of all our troubles. For instance Smoke ... where does it come from? Combusting oil, which causes global warming. Secondly, why did America invaded Iraq? So that they could get a hand to the oil! I start to think we would be better off if we still lived in the Discovery Ages because we should have been careful back than. At least back than nations fought with honour not with missiles and tanks. I´m to be writting so angrily but this is just the way I feel. Shame on us humans for thinking we are superior beeings. And yet a late news revealed that apes in some aspects such as cognitive memory are better than us . Well its about time these cientists give them a chance. Perhaps the planet of the apes wasn´t such a bad idea at all. Cause speaking only leads you to trouble and that's something that animals won´t find out.

domingo, 11 de novembro de 2007

Iberian Wolf at the edge of Extinction

Hello to all my fellow visitors! What I want to talk about today is the Iberian Wolf and its history. How did it got redueced to so few species and what we can do to prevent that. Until the beginning of the 1900's the Iberian Wolf inhabbitted A big part troughout all Iberia. After 1950 an extermination campaign started in Spain to wipe out wolfs because they were destroying the cattle that belonged to the local shepards. This campaign was also carried out in Portugal in a simmilar way.
Nowadays to prevent the Iberian Wolf from extinction we should preserse its territory and avoid getting to close to the surroundings.
Moreover we could build more protection parks to protect this specie.

domingo, 14 de outubro de 2007

sábado, 13 de outubro de 2007

A Man to look up to...

The latest news reaveal that the Piece Nobel Prize winner was Al Gore. This was great news for the former United States of America President who accepted delightly this award. In my opinion I think he was the best person who could win this prize considering all the work and research this great man has done on behalf of our sick Planet. Al gore fought for the rightful planet's and environment's rights and he tried to open our eyes and made an impact when he said that if we continue to pollute and consume the planet's resources carelessly we won't call it home on the nezt 50 years because in 50 years with the green house effect, the seas level rising and the destruction of forests this green planet will no longer exist. This pessimist though realistic work can be seen on the documentary that AL Gore developed which is called " An inconvinient Truth" where Al Gore explains the importance of a quick action concerning the environment.

quarta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2007


Well to start off I would just like to talk a bit about myself. My name is Eduardo Lopes I live in Porto and I´m from Portugal. I'm studying in Ismai and this blog is intended to show my points of view about the era that we live in more precisely the era of destruction. Though creating is more powerful and harder man seeks to destroy everything by abusing nature and its components. Destroying is easy killing animals is easy for instance but breeding animals, give them a home and provide them with a proper future is tough. A phrase that I heard somewhere said " You cannot kill what you did not create" and I tottaly agree with this statement I mean Nature created itself that's why we call it mother nature and its beautiful that we preserve it but destroying it in my point of view is a sin. I believe that's why natural catastrophes happen Its her way of saying Stop the pollution stop the destruction and stop ruinning the future of your kids. Nature is one thing we simply can't control and I hope for the sake of us all that we won't ever control it but fear that man's ambition will win mother nature and if this control is used for the wrong purposes well than I guess its goodbye for all of us.

I'm a huge fan of Lord of the Rings and one thing that this trilogy has thaught me is that man's ambition has no limits and what men desire the most is power. But we should be careful with what we wish for because everyone one of us has a dark side and a "devil inside".

That's it for today. Hope you like it. Bye