domingo, 11 de novembro de 2007

Iberian Wolf at the edge of Extinction

Hello to all my fellow visitors! What I want to talk about today is the Iberian Wolf and its history. How did it got redueced to so few species and what we can do to prevent that. Until the beginning of the 1900's the Iberian Wolf inhabbitted A big part troughout all Iberia. After 1950 an extermination campaign started in Spain to wipe out wolfs because they were destroying the cattle that belonged to the local shepards. This campaign was also carried out in Portugal in a simmilar way.
Nowadays to prevent the Iberian Wolf from extinction we should preserse its territory and avoid getting to close to the surroundings.
Moreover we could build more protection parks to protect this specie.

6 comentários:

sonia disse...

Was there really a campaign to exterminate wolves? They are beautiful, but the wilde ones are probably dangerous to people. It's a shame!

sonia disse...

Hi Eduardo, this comment has nothing to do with your blog, it concerns today's class. I was thinking about the exercise we made in class and it really couldn't be "very" because the days of the week were in the plural. When you asked me I didn't think straight and I didn't see "the light at the end of the tunel" :)

sonia disse...

Still the same post?

sonia disse...

Please update your blog

sonia disse...

Still waiting for you to update your blog...

Aragorn disse...

sorry teacher but I had some problems that i had to solve. Fortunetely I will be going to class in January in case you thaught I given up. I will also be updating my blog from now on